Update: light at the end of the tunnel

Hello everyone! It’s been quite some time since my last blog entry. I thought it would be nice to keep the handful of people who check this blog updated on the progress of the next book.

A death in the family, health issues, and (of course) a global pandemic have conspired to slow the progress of Epicenter. But, despite my difficulties progress has continued at a steady pace, albeit a slowly. As it stands now, I am finishing the second edit of the manuscript. This means the book is a week or so away from going out to the beta readers.

I’d like to say at this point that the book will see a May release, but that depends on how involved the beta revisions and editorial availability. And, not to beat around the bush, but money is very tight at the moment, and putting a book out to publish is rather costly. To be blunt, I don’t recoup the cost of my novels in through their sales. I have to set aside money from the day-job for things like illustrators and editors, and that book money is going to be used for food and bills while I’m stuck out of work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

But, it’s not all doom and gloom, readers. Before my life (and the world) imploded I had managed to get some art assets done for the upcoming book. So, without further ado here is the working cover for the new book.


Once again, I had the wonderful Amelia Parris put together the illustration, and like the previous book the cover is taken from a key scene from the story. Lots of contrasts, lots of action, lots of AWESOME!

Anyways, that’s all I have for y’all right now. I hope you and yours are keeping safe and healthy during these strange times, and if you’re stuck at home; READ BOOKS.

James Madere