What is a Henchman?


Helping those who help humanity!

Surely you’ve read about the daring deeds of the myriad heroes who fight all manner of monsters. But what you may have not heard in the bard’s songs in the tavern is the humble helpers who follow the adventurers. These men and women carry the equipment, food, and gear needed for adventurers to be successful.

A henchman’s principal task is to take care of the mundane details for humanity’s heroes, so that they can concentrate fully on the task of defending everyone from the things that go bump in the night. After all, when an adventurer is busy tracking down a blood-sucking vampire, the last thing they want to think about is whether or not their garlic is fresh enough to properly repel a blood-sucking fiend.

As the adventurers are organized by the Adventurer’s Guild; the henchmen are based in the Henchman’s union. In the union they share in each another’s company, train for dangerous explorations, and stand ready to assist when called upon. The characteristic outfit is their hardy brown cloaks and big brown backpacks which carry all the gear needed for victory.