I had a lot of fun with the character design of Mira the demifiend, because I got to create a new kind of monster! As an author I’m intrigued by the idea of what people see in their minds-eye when they read about a character. Below are several artist’s takes on our favorite hot-blooded pugilist. If you have a fan-art of Mira, get in touch with me and I’ll put it up on the gallery, if it meets quality/decency standards.

A fantastic design by Lia Perrone.

Illus by Lia Henson https://twitter.com/PerroneLia

A toon-take from Megan Phonesavanh

Illus by Megan Phonesavanh https://twitter.com/meganimation

Another great take from Megan Phonesavanah. Look in Chapter 4 for this scene!

An adorable and aggressive take on Mira by Korenchii

Mira in her element, by Christine Spiegel

Illus by Rosen Skye https://twitter.com/rosenskye

A pixelfied demifiend by Graylure

Illus by Graylure https://twitter.com/graylure

A super-cute bonus chibi from Nyam.

Halftones and black ink from Jon Bliss!

Illus by Jon Bliss https://twitter.com/jonblissart

Mira found a magic, lovely eye patch that gave her a peerless swordsmanship technique. HAHA jk, but what if….

Illus by Brandon Fraser. https://twitter.com/tedbob84

Mira sowing some appreciation to her draconic friends. Cardie love.

The thumbs-up of encouragement!

The thumbs-up of encouragement!

Illus by Serim Choi https://twitter.com/Rim_Jims

Hear me out, what if Mira was a cat?

Illus by Katsudonut https://twitter.com/katsuudonut

A stream asset for streamavatars done by Stoff. You can fight Mira on his twitch stream! How neat is that?!

For Stoff’s twitch overlay. https://www.twitch.tv/stoffcreates

Click on image to open 3d viewer!

AAAAH 3D MIRA, by Stoff https://twitter.com/artstoff


Dancin Mira by Salty: https://twitter.com/saltiestbunny

A happy-as-all-get-out Mira from James Madere (the author lol)

Another Mira from the author, wearing her favorite t-shirt.

Mira wearing her favorite color in a nice dress by Lia Perrone. Shame she got in a fist fight on her night out.

Illus by Lia Henson https://twitter.com/PerroneLia

A cartoon-stylized Mira flexing on some adventurers by Sandra D Rivas.

Illus by Sandra D Rivas https://twitter.com/SandraDRivas

An icon done by Eric Muentes (AKA woofycakes) with a limited palette.

A smile like this can mean only one thing; she’s thinking about cake. Illustration by Amelia Parris

Illus by Amelia Parris https://twitter.com/AmeliaParris

A can-do Mira from Nyam

A take on Mira embracing her oni inspiration by Amaagumo

A take on Mira embracing her oni inspiration by Amaagumo

Illus by Amaagumo https://twitter.com/Amaagumo

Mira got to hang out with a local fox-celebrity and try out some of her awesome tech-wear. Best day ever.

Illus by ZXYori https://twitter.com/zxyori

Something’s got Mira fired up, read chapter 7 of Hench to see what got her mad!

Mira’s ready for summer!

Illus by Graylure https://twitter.com/graylure

Mira’s been working on her taunts, and has found that simple and straightforward works wonders.

Illus by Lemon Gear https://twitter.com/AbsentLights

Mira enjoying a pint after dispatching another group of adventurers

Another take of the Japanese Oni Mira from Amagumo’s design; this time by Katsudonut!

Illus by Katsudonut. https://twitter.com/katsuudonut

A glamorous rendering from Nika Simone.

Illus by Nika Simone https://twitter.com/wanderpus

A battle-ready demifiend from Nio Kasgami

Illus by Nio Kasgami https://twitter.com/kasgami

An imposing Mira about to cause a few explosions by UeKo


A figure reference for the comic version of Mira by the author


A close-up of Mira done in the distinctive style of Eskimo_Girl66

Not everything is explosive punches. Mira likes to read and relax. By Brittany Santos

Illus by Brittany Santos https://twitter.com/DrawnByBrittany

Mira’s indulging her sweet tooth! By projectTIGER

Illus by projectTIGER https://twitter.com/projectTiGER_

Fun fact, Mira can totally rock a dress. This may or may not be from Hector’s dream.

Illus by Spatsula https://twitter.com/_spatsula

A holiday card that I loved so much I put it in a frame. TYSM GRAY I CRI

Illus by Graylure https://twitter.com/graylure

Mira doing what she does best, punching!

Mira’s trying out a modern splatterpunk aesthetic. Inspired from Bone of ‘Splatterbrains’ fame!

Illus by Luke Valentine https://twitter.com/LukeValentine01

Even a dungeon monster can enjoy some glitter and glamor.

Illus by Shiny Seabass https://twitter.com/ShinySeabass

Mira recently discovered pumpkin spice latte, which she thinks is a liquid pie slice

Illus by Graylure https://twitter.com/graylure

A traditional drawing of Mira, came as an awesome surprise to me. Go check out all the other people’s OCs he’s drawn!