Site Underway!
I’m going through all the motions and tedium of creating a website, and I have to admit, my energy for this task is near-zero. As a writer (part-time) I always feel a bit guilty when I take time away from writing on any of my books. Or reading books. Or playing games. Or doing anything other than faffing around on website design.
Regardless, I’m sure there is a cadre of readers who want to know who the person is who writes my books (aka me). So, I’ll try to put out stuff on a semi-regular basis as a way to get out of my comfort-zone and be shiver social. Ugh, I’m the sort of person who gets a bad taste in my mouth when I say that word (or a bad taste on my fingers when I type it lol).
Anyways, feel free to poke around the site and try to break it for me. If you find a dead link, or three, scoot on over to the contact page and drop me a line. I’ll fix it, probably.