The plan going forward


I’d like to take a moment to update my readership of the upcoming changes to my site and work. Through the process of editing my second book I’ve become aware of some serious deficiencies in my writing.

I’ve always striven to create entertainment worth my readers time and money, and have worked with the utmost diligence to respect your trust in me to deliver a rewarding experience. It’s the reason that I spend so much time and effort into the editing process; to polish up the manuscript.

After some conversation with another author, who shared their insight on my writing, and another review who said many similar things, I’ve realized that I’ve failed to meet the expectations of a professionally produced novel. So, in good conscience I can’t bring myself to continue selling the book as is.

I plan to pull Hench from all marketplaces for sale sometime in June. After that point, both Hench and the forthcoming Epicenter will be available on my website for free. This will give me some time to retool my website and get the markets sorted out, and give the one or two people that may want a hardcover time to purchase one.

This is not a decision I have made lightly, but one that I feel will ease some of the stress that I feel trying to be competitive in the marketplace. To be completely frank, I’ve failed miserably when it comes to selling my book. I made about $45 last year, and that level of income/interest in my work is very discouraging. Especially because I spent far more than that to produce the book, and the sequel is yet more expensive.

So, going forward I’m going to look into alternate revenue models. After I make my book free for purchase, I’ll include a link for donations so that if you liked the work you can throw me a couple of bucks. That way, you the reader will determine the worth of my work. Below is a link to my planned donation site.

I want to continue writing and improving my craft, but perhaps taking the onus of the marketplace will give me a more enjoyable experience. This new direction will likely irritate some, and I get it; I don’t like the idea of having paid money for a free book. But my whole venture into writing has been an ongoing experiment, and some (including myself) are on the losing end of the equation.

Regardless, I hope y’all have been staying healthy and sane. Thanks again for giving my book a chance and spending your time with Hector and Mira. I hope I’ll be able to make something fun in the future!

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James Madere