It's time for an update!


It looks like the last post was in January, and that post didn’t have much to do with my books. So, I’ll post an update here of sorts.

You know, it’s funny. I’ve felt somewhat ashamed to post on my own blog on my own website because I basically don’t have any good news to give. It’s a silly thing, but it has kept me from posting anything for a while. It’s not like I have many people to disappoint, except myself it seems.

All that aside, here is where my books are at:

Epicenter: The book is at the same place I left it at the start of the year. The beta edits and professional edits are complete, but I have left the project on hiatus before going through the final pass. Why? This book burned me out. I try and try to bring myself to finish this damn thing, but the motivation evaporates the moment the words are on screen. I won’t put an ETA on it any more, I’ve failed pretty hard at that (may 2020 was a long time ago).

Lockout: The book’s first draft is complete, but I haven’t touched it since the pandemic started. Of all the parts of the writing process, editing is my most hated. Perhaps if I hear interest in a story about the misadventures of the most inept demon in hell I’ll open it up again, but for now epicenter will take finishing priority.

Fox tale: This is what I’m currently writing on and is my attempt to cure my burnout. It’s a story set in the hench universe, but in the Rukh lands as opposed to the kingdom of Emry. It also has nothing to do with combat, monsters, and the such. Rather, it’s a story about capricious gods and the struggle to get decent plumbing. Yes, only I could take such an interesting setting and make a story about infrastructure in it. Oh well, it’s been fun in the writing. Especially when the main character explodes :)

So, that’s where everything is at. Yes I’m still writing. No, I don’t have any release dates. But in the meantime, keep reading and supporting indie authors. It’s a rough world out there and us smol guys need all the help and encouragement we get.

James Madere