An update

Hey everybody, long time no type…

To put things bluntly, things have been difficult this year, and I’m certain everyone can share that sentiment. The pandemic has forced everyone to reorient their priorities, and unfortunately my writing has suffered. This is partly because of work/life obligations and party due to mental health issues. And, while I don’t believe in the specter of ‘writer’s block,’ I do believe that motivation is a finite resource.

But enough of that, I figured I’d take the opportunity to update everyone on the progress of the next book. The manuscript has gone through the beta pass and has been reviewed by an editor. I’m now in the process of incorporating the editor’s feedback. This can mean anything from a simple grammar fix to whole scene rewrites.

After all the notes of from the editor is acted upon I’ll send the manuscript back for another pass for proof reading. Then, the actual book has to be laid out for print and digital, which is a bear of a process. After that, I have to set up the distribution so people can get their copies. This means that my current pace of work puts the next book release into the new year.

Sorry for the continued delays, but in the meantime here’s an illustration from Graylure of Themis going out on a shopping trip. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Themis shopping.png
James Madere